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Filter: Shares
When must a director disclose a financial interest?

08 February 2022

Being a director in a company does not necessarily stop you from holding shares in other companies. However, should your... company transact with another company in which you have a shareholding stake and from which you could potentially benefit, it becomes important that you disclose such financial interest to your co-directors, even if you can’t influence the transaction.

Share buyback? Possible, but take care!

15 November 2021

I’m a shareholder in a private company and wish to get rid of my shares to free up some cashflow.... That said, I don’t want to sell to a stranger and my other shareholders don’t want to buy my shares either. One of them suggested that the company buy back my shares. Is this allowed?

Phantom share schemes – a very real option for incentivising your key staff

20 May 2021

Our family owns a very successful agriculture company that has been built up over the years by our family. We... have a number of employees that have also shown their value to the business and we would like to retain and reward them by giving them shares in the business. However, we feel strongly about the family nature of our business and don’t want a large number of shareholders with accompanying shareholder rights we have to involve in every decision. Is this possible to achieve?

The rights of a dissenting shareholder in a scheme of arrangement

10 November 2020

I’m a minority shareholder in a company that has been approached by a buyer willing to buy out all the... shareholders. Because of Covid-19 the company has suffered financially and I know that the shareholders holding more than 75% of the company will want to accept the offer even though I believe it to be far below the market value of the shares. Is there any remedy at my disposal?

Minority shareholder rights in a private company

12 October 2020

I hold 20% shares in a private company that I bought into a few years ago. The majority shareholders heavily... influence the directors who take decisions which in my view is not always in the best interests of the company or my own as a minority shareholder in the company. What remedies are available to me?

Validity of lock-in provisions in BEE transactions

11 September 2020

A few years ago, our company entered into a BEE transaction with BEE partners to address our ownership. In the... transaction documents, restrictions were imposed on the BEE partners that they could not sell or encumber their shares for a period of at least ten years. These lock-in provisions were a necessary part of the financing and overall transaction. With the current difficult economic times, our partners want to sell a portion of their shares and are disputing the validity of our lock-in provisions. Are lock-in provisions legally enforceable?


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